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Harvard Study on Chores: Untangling the Research

Harvard Study on Chores: Untangling the Research

Harvard Study on Chores: Untangling the Research
3 - 6 years elementary age Parenting

Harvard Study on Chores: Untangling the Research

In 2016, Julie Lythcott-Haim's TED Talk went viral. The former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University and author of the bestselling book How to Raise an Adult used data from an 80-year Harvard stu...

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How to Teach Digital Media Literacy to Your Young Child
18 Months - 3 Years 3 - 6 years elementary age

How to Teach Digital Media Literacy to Your Young Child

Saying "I saw it on YouTube, must be true," sarcastically is a joke my children recently learned from their uncle. While it sounds silly, learning not to trust everything they see online is an esse...

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screen free activities, screen free activities for kids, screen free activities at home
18 Months - 3 Years 3 - 6 years Parenting

38 Screen Free Activities for Kids to Enjoy at Home

How do you say no to screen time when you're frazzled and trying to make it through the day? As tempting as it is to hand over your phone or turn on the TV, too much screen time isn't good. What ca...

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Nature Deficit Disorder: Risks of Too Little Time Outdoors

Nature Deficit Disorder: Risks of Too Little Time Outdoors

Could spending more time outdoors make your child happier and healthier? Journalist and author Richard Louv argues that people, especially children, need to spend less time indoors and more time in...

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Myopia in Children: Why this Eye Condition is On the Rise?
elementary age Parenting

Myopia in Children: Why this Eye Condition is On the Rise?

"Myopia is progressive, irreversible and on the rise," says Sabrina Gaan, Doctor of Optometry. In the 1970s, about 25% of Americans were nearsighted, or had myopia. By 2017, that number rose to nea...

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baby helmet, baby helmet for flat head, helmet for infant
3 - 6 months Parenting

Does My Infant Need a Baby Helmet? What Parents Need to Know

Babies in helmets to correct head shape are now a common sight, leading many parents to wonder if their baby needs one. The little bald spot on the back of an infant's head is so common it's almost...

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fast furniture, sustainable furniture

The True Costs of Fast Furniture: Plus, Alternative Options

Purchasing furniture is a costly endeavor no matter where you look, making low-cost options enticing. While buying affordable furniture may save you in the short term, there are impacts that can ha...

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teething, when do babies get their first tooth
12 - 18 months 18 Months - 3 Years 3 - 6 months

When Do Babies Get Their First Tooth?

Are you wondering when to expect your baby's first tooth? While baby teeth don't come in on a strict schedule, knowing the pattern and general timeline can help. This way, you can support your baby...

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crunchy mom, what is a crunchy mom

The Crunchy Moms Phenomenon Explained

Also known as a "granola mom," crunchy moms are famous for living a natural lifestyle. From avoiding toxins to cooking from scratch, some may go as far as to eschew traditional medicine. These moms...

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Montessori parenting, what is Montessori parenting
Montessori Parenting

6 Ways the Montessori Method Will Change Your Parenting

Becoming a Montessori teacher had the most impact on my parenting journey, aside from my own upbringing. Much more than an educational approach, the Montessori method goes beyond the classroom. The...

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Christmas presents under tree

Our Favorite Holiday Gift Memories

Part of the magic of the holidays is watching children open a much-awaited gift. At Piccalio, we try to keep our inner child at the forefront so we can connect to the children who use our products....

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Christmas activities, Christmas Family Activities
12 - 18 months 18 Months - 3 Years 3 - 6 years

Holiday Activities to Enjoy At Home with Piccalio

Holiday-themed activities are the perfect way to make memories with your little one. From holiday crafts to family photos, and writing a letter to Santa, there are many opportunities. We happen to ...

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When Do Babies Hold Their Head Up?, When Do Babies Start Holding Their Head Up?, When Can Babies Have Control of Their Head?
0 - 3 Months 3 - 6 months Parenting

When Do Babies Hold Their Head Up?

Delicate and tiny, infants have droopy heads that unpredictably flop from side to side. In other moments, your baby shows amazing strength by lifting or turning their head while resting on your sho...

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holiday activities for toddlers, Christmas activities for kids, Christmas activities for preschoolers
18 Months - 3 Years 3 - 6 years Montessori

20 Fun Montessori-Inspired Holiday Activities for Toddlers

During the holiday season, you can create wonderful memories and connections as a family. Aside from watching favorite holiday movies and putting up the tree, here are some fun Montessori-inspired ...

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meltdown, 3 year old tantrums, 4 year old tantrums, 18 month old tantrums
Montessori Parenting

How to Handle Holiday Toddler Meltdowns the Montessori Way

You're just sitting down to a nice meal with extended family when your toddler starts to lose it. They spotted the dessert table and no longer want to try any of the regular food on their plate. Wh...

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travel with kids, flying with kids, traveling with toddlers

Tips for Stress-Free Travel with Kids and Babies

Traveling with toddlers is notoriously difficult. As a mom with an international family and three kids, we've survived more than our fair share of long flights and car rides. Fortunately, our exper...

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beige mom, sad beige mom, beige moms, what is beige mom
Montessori Parenting

The Science Behind the Sad Beige Moms Debate

Last Christmas, a TikTok by @nattiejopo spray painting a colorful Christmas tree toy in more neutral tones went viral. The video created controversy in the comments, adding more fuel to the fire ab...

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when do babies see color? when do babies start to see color? infant's eyes
0 - 3 Months 3 - 6 months 6 - 9 months

When Do Babies See Color? A Guide to Your Infant's Eyesight

When your infant looks up at you, what can they see? At birth, babies' visual systems are still developing. What you can see and what your baby can see are vastly different. So, when do babies see ...

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breastfeeding tips, tongue ties, how do I know if my baby has a tongue tie
0 - 3 Months Parenting

Top Feeding and Breastfeeding Tips from a Feeding Therapist

Nourishing your baby is a beautiful, yet challenging experience. When my oldest was born, I remember feeling a rush of love and a sense of overwhelm when I first held him. Was I prepared to take ca...

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When do babies sleep through the night, 3 month old sleep schedule, 4 month old sleep schedule, when do breastfed babies sleep through the night
0 - 3 Months 3 - 6 months 6 - 9 months

When Do Babies Start Sleeping Through the Night?

Sleep deprivation for parents in the first year of their baby's life is a nearly universal experience. Among the top concerns for new parents is when their baby will sleep through the night. Not al...

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When Do Babies Start to Sit Up?
3 - 6 months 6 - 9 months Parenting

When Do Babies Start to Sit Up? Tips from Experts

When my oldest was about 6 months old, I would sit him on the floor. I always put pillows all around him, as he'd always flop over. As a first-time mom, I worried about why he wasn't sitting up yet...

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child struggling in school, how to improve child academic performance, is my child falling behind?, how do I know if my child is behind in school?
3 - 6 years elementary age Parenting

How Do I Know if My Child Is Behind in School? Teacher Tips for Parents

Concern about your child's academic performance is natural. You may compare your child to cousins, a friend's child, or siblings to try to gauge their performance. How can you know if your child is...

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happy first day of school, back to school anxiety, first day of kindergarten, how to deal with school anxiety
3 - 6 years Parenting

How to Deal with Back to School Anxiety: Tips from Teachers

From butterflies in your little one's belly, to crying, excitement, and nostalgia, the back to school season brings strong feelings. Both parents and children may struggle with back to school anxie...

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picky eater, picky eater recipes, picky eating
In the kitchen Parenting

Healthy Foods for Picky Eaters from a Pediatric Dietitian

"But I don't like it..." says your 3-year-old, pushing food around their plate. Never mind that they happily ate the same meal last week. Your child has turned into a picky eater and now refuses ne...

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how to fix diastasis recti, postpartum exercise, postpartum pelvic floor exercises

Postpartum Exercise and Challenges: An L&D Nurse and Fitness Expert Answer Your Questions

"We almost think postpartum is harder than labor and birth," say Gina Gonley and Roxanne Albert. Conley and Albert are sisters, moms, and experts in women's health. They specialize in prenatal and ...

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how to get a toddler to sleep, 3 year old sleep schedule, children's sleep medicine, baby only sleeps when held
0 - 3 Months 12 - 18 months 18 Months - 3 Years

5 Top Sleep Tips for Babies and Toddlers from a Pediatrician

Sleep during the first few years of your child's life can be challenging. Newborn sleep is notoriously unpredictable. Yet, sleep for toddlers and young children may also be difficult, with early mo...

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When do babies roll over, what age do babies roll over, when do babies start to roll over
3 - 6 months 6 - 9 months Parenting

When Do Babies Start to Roll Over? Plus, Tips for Your Baby

You put your baby down on their play mat before stepping into the kitchen to grab your coffee. Although your baby is a newborn and you haven't seen them roll over yet, you hurry back. What if they ...

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when do babies start talking? when do babies say their first word, 16 month old not talking
12 - 18 months 18 Months - 3 Years 9 - 12 months

When Do Babies Start Talking? Speech-Language Pathologists Weigh In

Babies usually start talking at about 12 months of age. However, as with many milestones, the exact age may vary from baby to baby. To learn more about language development in babies, we spoke to s...

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